Happy New Year! 新年好!It is very excited to see all my students
again. We are going to learn to sing New Year song in Chinese this month. As you know, the Chinese New Year always
comes later than regular New Year. In
Chinese Lunar calendar, we are currently still in 2012, the year of the Dragon.
The Chinese New Year will be on Feb. 10th this year, and the year of
Snake will come soon. We will have Chinese New Year celebration on Monday, Feb
11th at GYM from 10:30am to 11:30am. Please book your schedule to
watch your children’s performance on that date. I will need some parent helpers
to do decoration in the GYM on Feb. 8th, and helpers on February 11th
to take photos, videos and passing food/gifts. Please email me if you are
interested in to donate your time to the Chinese New Year celebration
This month’s topic is the
Body and Motion. K through 2nd grade will concentrate on Body’s, 3rd
and up will concentrate on Motion. At
the same time, they will be listening, speaking, reading and writing and making
crafts in Chinese. In addition to this:
Kinder will focus on body parts songs
1st grade will focus on recognizing
Chinese rhythm, basic strokes, My first Chinese words book and songs
2nd, 3rd, 4th
and 5th will continue to study the Chinese Paradise text book
6th, 7th and 8th grade will continue to
study the Happy Chinese text book
Before the
winter break, all 5th grade and up students have taken Chinese
proficiency sample test (YCT test). I can share test results information if you
are interested.
Below are two useful websites for our students to
learn Chinese at home.
For all grade levels: http://www.languageguide.org/mandarin/vocabulary/
For 6th grade and up: http://www.chinese.cn/kid/en/article/2009-09/25/content_68533.htm
Please feel
free to email me if you have any questions or need to set up an appointment.
Wenny Chunwen Liao
Chinese Teacher at CHPCS
“Where Children Soar!
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